Monday, November 14, 2011

Well - I'm symptomatic enough...

This appointment was just so different.  The Dr. just came in - I didn't see the nurse until later.  He appreciated my data (graphs, symptom lists, and charts).  He had read notes from the neurologist and knew my meds, reviewed my scans, and said go to our site look at the hope stories - contact some of the patients.  Then contact us - then he said let me be clear here - you need to make this decision - we find that a patient who needs surgery and is ready to have surgery has a better outcome.  I asked what he would do in my shoes - he said gather as much information as possible (clearly he doesn't know that I've been doing that since I found out that the word Chiari existed).  So yes I signed the consent form before I left. 

I'm thinking, but need to discuss this with my better half (so yes, just thinking) after Christmas at the end of Christmas break.  Gives me enough time to figure out how to tell my students, find a sub, get outline plans, and prep my children, and myself.  I don't know why I'm handling this well right now, but I am.  I can talk about it without being emotional - it's strange.  I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall (and it probably will the closer I get to the surgery when it is scheduled)

So my Dr. had a Conquer Chiari wristband and I asked where I could get one - he gave me his.  The nurse came in later - she asked if I had done the walk (that is a goal for next year) - I said no and she said you have wristband and I said the Dr. gave it to me.  Like I said a very different visit - he was nice and he smiled. 

So I will become a member of an elite club know as the zipper heads.  Humor is a great way to get through this.  Oh and please don't feel bad for me - I look at it this way - I have hope that I will have some relief and we are talking a 4-6 week recovery period I mean really in the grand scheme of things that is not a long time. - right? 

So you are now updated and I will keep you posted.  I just read about a 22 year old having this surgery next week she will be in the hospital not only on Thanksgiving but on her 23 b-day (please say a prayer ) -  and a 13 year old is having the same procedure.  See I don't have it bad at all. 

If you are curious you can check out : for details


  1. Carrie you are being so strong about this. We LOVE YOU and will talk about what 'help' looks like to you and Mike/the boys/girls during your recovery. I will be praying for you and would love to add you to my prayer list at church. I keep them hopping :)

    Love, Carolyn

  2. Carrie,

    I feel SO blessed to have gotten to know you on the Chiari support group! Hopefully we'll meet someday!

    I am so glad that you are able to have the surgery. Best wishes as you prepare for all of this! You're right - we are joining an elite group, the "Zipper Heads" :)

    I wish you all the best as you prepare for the sub teacher, and telling your students. It was tough for me to tell my students, and they're much older than yours. I'm sure they'll take it well and pray for you as well!

    I have added you to the prayer list at my family's church, my family and I are praying for you! I wish you all the best!

    Thanks for asking for prayers for me in your blog, that means a lot. I'm sure if won't be too bad, spending Thanksgiving and my bday in the hospital. I will simply have one more thing to be grateful for, and I will have one unforgettable birthday that will be Chiari free! :) We all get through this, you're right, with the assistance of humor, our loved ones, and the Lord.

    Let me know if I can do anything for you! Sending lots of prayers and well wishes your way!
