Thursday, July 14, 2011

Alas We Are Moving Forward

Two weeks ago I registered with Dr. T's office, and I was told in 3 -5 business days I would hear something.  Well, on the 6th business day I called and I was told that a nurse was checking with the Dr. for exact angles needed for a second MRI, but I didn't hear from the nurse.  So I called and she said he was back in surgery (ok that's fine he needs to worry about the person in surgery not me and I let it go) - that was last Thursday.  On Monday, I called and was told that the nurse would call but she is off on Mondays - ok fine.  See with time on my hands, wanting answers, and being me - I was impatient.  On Tuesday at 3:45ish,(after my husband urged me) I spoke with the nurse she told me I was on her list of people to call.  Anyway, she called to upto set up the appointment.  I got the call... my appointment is Thursday 7/14 at 11:00 at West Image.

Curiosity and wanting to know where I'm going I googled West Image (  I read about it and found out some interesting things...
1.  Providing Greater Cincinnati with the finest most up- to- date MRI scans available
2.  These high quality images provide your doctor or surgeon the necessary information for an exact diagnosis, or when an operation is called for, the exact surgerical point for a successful outcome.
3.  Made by GE
4.  Fast
5.  They have larger openings shorter bore.  Well lit, vented design makes patients more comfortable.  When you're claustrophobic - fast and bigger are good things to me. 

I feel like we are moving forward and attempting to answer what exactly is wrong with Carrie's head?  :)

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