Monday, July 25, 2011

The phone call...

Today the phone call I've been waiting for came around 3:15 (after my class).  I picked up the phone and the nice female on the other line said this is Mayfield Clinic, uh Dr. T. would like to see you.  Information about where is his office is and the soonest appointment was - August 8 at 3:00 or 3:30, but you need to be here 30 minutes early for paperwork.  I told her 3:00 was fine.  I noticed my hands were a little shaky when I hung up the phone and I was/am a bit nervous.  I mean on the one hand I can't wait to see the inside of my head in 3D form, but he is a neurosurgeon so I'm not sure what to expect.  I think he will discuss his findings from my latest MRI and I hope give a cool picture (again the scientist in me - I want to show my students), but I don't know what the rest of the appointment will entail.  I mean if he says my symptoms are related to my Chiari Malformation then I know in the next breath it will be either your symptoms aren't severe enough to warrant surgery or your symptoms indicate you need surgery.  I if it is my Chiari I'm nervous no matter what he says, because then I'm symptomatic and as I've told you before I know at some point (be it sooner or later) they are going to open my head and cut part of my skull out to allow my brain more room.  So I will wait 2 weeks wondering and anxious about the appointment. 

What will I do in the mean time:
1.  Do my paper for my class the rough draft and the final copy - not looking forward to this! :(
2.  Take the girls to Ohio State U for their college visit. 
3.  Catch a Red's game with Mike and Emily
4.  Inform my boss about my upcoming appointment
3.  Set up my classroom and get working on my beginning of the year plans

I look at it this way - if I hear your symptoms aren't related to Chiari or they don't warrant surgery then I get a relaxing few weeks before school starts and I'm good with that.  I really feel like the I have no control over what Dr. T. is going to say, but I do have control over my classroom.  Those of you who are reading this probably already could have predicted that is what I would do. 

I feel like we are getting somewhere in the journey to figure out what exactly is wrong with Carrie's head. :)

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